Apostilles in Colombia

When we are part of  an international process, occasionally documents to be presented  are  required to have an Apostille in Colombia. But what’s an apostille?

An apostille in Colombia and anywhere else, is a special seal that the authorities of a countrry issue in order to certify that a document is legal and valid. Apostilles in Colombia are a practical way to legalize a Colombian public officer’s signature on a document, so that it has validity in another country.

Our company handles the process of apostilles in Colombia, which saves our clients time and worries. We also must verify that the country you’re presenting the document to, is part of The Hague Convention, which abolished the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents. If the country is not part of it, then the process we would need to do to certify the document would be a legalization.

Apostilles in Colombia
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Apostilles in Colombia require documents to be issued in the country, so a document issued in the United States or another country cannot get an apostille in Colombia. The document also needs to be original, and it must have the signature of an authority previously registered at the Ministry Foreign Affairs. Some countries require that the translation of the document has an apostille as well.

Once we help you get an apostille in Colombia, you don’t need to get any further legalizations or certifications to make it valid in a country that is part of The Hague Convention.

Remember translations from outside of Colombia must have apostilles. Apostilles done in English or other languages must be Translated in Colombia as well.


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