Apostilles in United States

Apostilles are issued for documents that are going to be used in countries that are members of The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents (1961), or more commonly known as the Hague Apostille Convention. Certificates of Authority and Certificates of Incumbency are similar to the Apostille in that the same information and fee is required as when submitting an application for an Apostille. The difference between Certificates and an Apostille is that Certificates are applied to documents that are to be used in countries that are not members of the Hague Apostille Convention.

Since not all countries are members of the Hague Convention, it is important that you list the country where your documents are to be used. We will match the country with the appropriate authentication method, according to the latest information from The Hague.

If you need an Apostille from the United States, you need to check with the Secretary of State to find out how to submit the document and get the apostille.

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USA Apostilles, Translations & Legalizations

$75 USD – 95 USD


Colombia Apostilles

$50 USD Depends on type document


Messenger fees, Mail, and Notary Fees

$20 USD up to $100 USD


Translation Services

$12 USD for each page after 10 pages.

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