Colombian Divorce
Similar to many countries, a Colombian divorce is allowed by the law to be quickly managed between attorneys if there is a mutual agreement between both parties. However, when there is disagreement over assets, and/or children are involved, a formal court hearing with a judge will be required.It is important to point out that a Colombian divorce requires a separate process for the liquidation of assets as well as child custody in Colombia hearings.
Every divorce case has unique complications and factors. Based on our extensive experience in colombian divorces, we highly suggest using an attorney with extensive family court experience, even more so when there is no prenuptial agreement. For the most complicated divorces, a previous consultation is required to begin the process.
International Divorces:
We assist in processing divorces & child custody in Colombia which must be legalized in more than one country. This applies to persons which may have their marriages registered in more than one country. This process can be very complicated and definitely requires analysis and consultation of a licensed attorney with specific experience in this area.
For more information on Colombian Child Custody, Colombian Child Support, and Colombian Child Visitation rights please see our partner website at Visas by James, Colombia Legal & Associates SAS.
CL&A S.A.S has handled many international divorce proceedings and are experts in this highly complex area.